Pulpotomies in Winter Garden

What Is a Pulpotomy?

A pulpotomy is considered a “baby root canal” because it is performed on deciduous teeth when they become infected. Tooth infections can occur from untreated tooth decay spreading through the tooth or from dental trauma.

A pulpotomy is a less invasive treatment for an infection than a root canal but can only be performed on teeth when the infection is isolated to the crown of the tooth. Once an infection has spread to the root, a root canal will be necessary.

 In a pulpotomy, we only remove the infected portion of the pulp within the crown, leaving the roots intact. A special medicated filling is placed in the tooth which kills any remaining bacteria to prevent what’s left of the pulp from becoming infected. 

Then, a permanent filling or crown is placed to protect the tooth. A pulpotomy prevents an infection from worsening, requiring more invasive treatment. This stops the spread and can prevent tooth loss. Contact us at Pediatric Dentistry of Horizon West to schedule a consultation.

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Did you know…

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If your child has pulpitis which is inflammation of the pulp, they may need a pulpotomy.

Ready to schedule your child’s appointment?

Call (407) 554-4222 to schedule today!

What To Expect From the Pulpotomy Process

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Dr. Azer will examine your child’s tooth to look for signs of an infection. An x-ray will reveal how much of the pulp is infected and if a pulpotomy is suitable.

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Pain Relief & Sedation Options

Before drilling an access hole into the tooth, we will administer local anesthesia to numb the mouth. If your child has dental anxiety or special needs, we also offer IV sedation to make them feel more comfortable.

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Pulp Removal

A hole is drilled into the tooth to gain access to the pulp chamber. Then, we will scrape out the crown portion of the dental pulp, but leave the roots intact.

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A medicated dressing is then applied to the remaining pulp to kill bacteria and prevent the remaining pulp from becoming infected. 

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Crown Placement

The access hole will be sealed with a permanent filling or a dental crown depending on where the tooth is located.

Benefits of Getting a Pulpotomy

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Minimally Invasive

A pulpotomy is a much more conservative approach to treating an infection compared to the more invasive root canal which involves removing all of the tooth’s pulp, including the roots. We can preserve more of the existing dental pulp which is good for the long-term health of the tooth because it keeps the tooth alive.

Prevents Spread of Infection

Once a tooth is infected, the source of the infection needs to be removed or it will only get worse. The infection can travel to the deeper layers of the tooth, making restorative treatment no longer viable and requiring extraction. The infection can also spread to the other teeth or through the bloodstream, leading to health problems.

Treats Tooth Pain

A tooth infection can be incredibly painful because the dental pulp is connected to the tooth’s nerves which are responsible for sensation. When the pulp becomes inflamed, it can lead to hypersensitivity, sharp pain, difficulty chewing, and tenderness. The tooth may even feel loose. Once we remove the infected portion of the pulp, the pain and sensitivity will dissipate.

Preserves Healthy Teeth

Your child’s baby teeth are important to their smile aesthetics, tooth functionality, and orthodontic alignment. Baby teeth help your child chew, speak, and maintain space in the mouth for the permanent tooth to erupt. If you don’t treat an infection, they can lose the tooth and this can cause bone loss, shifting teeth, and an impacted permanent tooth.

Did you know…

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A pulpotomy is a painless procedure.


Call (407) 554-4222 to schedule today!

Have Questions About Pulpotomies? Find Answers Here.


What is a pulpotomy vs. a root canal?

When it comes to dental procedures, it's common for terms to get mixed up. Pulpotomies and root canals are two different treatments, although they share some similarities.

A pulpotomy is a procedure that is typically performed on baby teeth with deep cavities or extensive decay. It involves removing the infected pulp tissue from the crown portion of the tooth while leaving the root intact. The goal of a pulpotomy is to preserve the remaining healthy pulp and promote the natural healing process. After the infected pulp is removed, a medicated filling material is placed in the tooth to prevent further infection.

On the other hand, a root canal is a more extensive procedure that is performed on permanent teeth. It involves removing the entire pulp tissue, both in the crown and root of the tooth. The root canal procedure is necessary when the infection has spread to the root canals, causing severe pain and potential damage to the tooth. After the pulp is removed, the root canals are thoroughly cleaned, filled, and sealed to prevent reinfection.

In summary, while both pulpotomies and root canals involve removing the infected pulp tissue, pulpotomies are typically performed on baby teeth to save them from extraction, while root canals are performed on permanent teeth to save them from extraction and preserve their function.

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Are pulpotomies necessary?

Pulpotomies are often necessary to save baby teeth that have been affected by deep cavities or extensive decay. Baby teeth play a crucial role in the development of a child's speech, chewing, and alignment of permanent teeth. Premature loss of baby teeth can lead to several issues, such as misalignment of permanent teeth, speech problems, and difficulty chewing.

By performing a pulpotomy, the infected pulp tissue is removed, and the remaining healthy pulp is preserved. This allows the tooth to continue functioning until it naturally falls out, making way for the permanent tooth to erupt in its place. Pulpotomies not only save the tooth from extraction but also prevent potential complications that may arise from premature tooth loss.

It's important to note that every case is unique, and the necessity of a pulpotomy will depend on the specific circumstances of the tooth. Consulting with a pediatric dentist is the best way to determine if a pulpotomy is necessary for your child.

How should I prepare my child for a pulpotomy?

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Preparing your child for a pulpotomy can help alleviate any anxiety or fear they may have about the procedure. Here are a few tips to help you prepare your child:

1. Explain the procedure: In age-appropriate language, explain to your child what a pulpotomy is and why it's necessary. Assure them that the procedure is done to help their tooth feel better and prevent further problems.

2. Address their concerns: Encourage your child to ask questions and express any concerns they may have. Listen attentively and provide reassurance. It's important for your child to feel heard and supported throughout the process.

3. Choose the right time: Schedule the appointment at a time when your child is well-rested and less likely to be irritable. Avoid scheduling it close to meal times to prevent hunger-related discomfort.

4. Stay calm and positive: Children often pick up on their parents' emotions. Stay calm and positive when discussing the procedure with your child. Emphasize that the dentist and dental team are there to help and will take good care of them.

5. Bring comfort items: Allow your child to bring their favorite comfort item, such as a stuffed animal or blanket, to help them feel more at ease during the procedure.

6. Follow pre-operative instructions: Your pediatric dentist will provide specific instructions to prepare your child for the pulpotomy procedure. Follow these instructions carefully to ensure the best possible outcome.

Remember, pediatric dentists are experienced in working with children and creating a comfortable and supportive environment. They will do their best to ensure your child's comfort and safety throughout the pulpotomy procedure.

If you have any further questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out to Pediatric Dentistry of Horizon West at (407) 554-4222. We're here to help!